/* * ReplayAndDiff - Replay a scan with a fresh session and diff the results * * Copyright (c) 2017 Luca Carettoni - Doyensec LLC. */ package burp; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import java.io.File; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Iterator; /* * This extension can be executed in headless mode. Start burp using -Djava.awt.headless=true */ public class BurpExtender implements IBurpExtender { //Default configuration static String MONGO_HOST = ""; static int MONGO_PORT = 27017; static String OUTPUT_DIR = "/tmp/"; static String REPORT_NAME = "burpreport_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".html"; static int TIMEOUT = 10; //seconds private IBurpExtenderCallbacks callbacks; private IExtensionHelpers helpers; @Override public void registerExtenderCallbacks(IBurpExtenderCallbacks callbacks) { this.callbacks = callbacks; helpers = callbacks.getHelpers(); callbacks.setExtensionName("ReplayAndDiff"); System.out.println("\n\n:: ReplayAndDiff Headless Extension ::\n\n"); // 1 - Parse command line arguments and store values in local variables // -h|--host=<IP>, -p|--port=<port>, -o|--ouput=<dir>, -e|--report=<filename>, -t|--timeout=<seconds> String[] args = callbacks.getCommandLineArguments(); for (String arg : args) { if (arg.contains("-h=") || arg.contains("--host=")) { MONGO_HOST = arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.contains("-p=") || arg.contains("--port=")) { MONGO_PORT = Integer.valueOf(arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1)); } else if (arg.contains("-o=") || arg.contains("--ouput=")) { OUTPUT_DIR = arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.contains("-r=") || arg.contains("--report=")) { REPORT_NAME = arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.contains("-t=") || arg.contains("--timeout=")) { TIMEOUT = Integer.valueOf(arg.substring(arg.indexOf('=') + 1)); } } System.out.println("[*] Configuration {MONGO_HOST=" + MONGO_HOST + ",MONGO_PORT=" + MONGO_PORT + ",OUTPUT_DIR=" + OUTPUT_DIR + ",REPORT_NAME=" + REPORT_NAME + ",TIMEOUT=" + TIMEOUT + "}"); // 2 - Connect to MongoDB MongoClient mongo = null; try { mongo = new MongoClient(MONGO_HOST, MONGO_PORT); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { System.err.println("[!] MongoDB Connection Error: " + ex.toString()); } // 3 - Retrieve login requests from the 'login' collection in db 'sitelogger' DB db = mongo.getDB("sitelogger"); DBCollection table = db.getCollection("login"); DBCursor cursor = table.find(); String host = null; while (cursor.hasNext()) { // 4 - For each entry, issue a new HTTP request (using Burp's makeHttpRequest) and collect the cookies (using Burp's analyzeResponse) // 5 - If there are cookies, update Burp's Cookies jar (using Burp's updateCookieJar) // TODO } // 6 - Retrieve from the database all previously saved HTTP requests if (host != null) { table = db.getCollection(host.replaceAll("\\.", "_") + "_site"); } else { throw new NullPointerException(); } cursor = table.find(); URL website = null; while (cursor.hasNext()) { // 7 - Trigger a new active scan on the same URL (using Burp's doActiveScan) // 8 - Reissue a new HTTP request and trigger a new passive scan on the same URL (using Burp's doPassiveScan) // TODO } // 9 - Wait until all scans are completed try { System.out.println("[*] Pausing extension..."); // HOMEWORK - Build a queuing system to check scans status and confirm once all scans are done Thread.sleep(1000 * TIMEOUT); System.out.println("[*] Resuming extension..."); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { System.err.println("[!] InterruptedException: " + ex.toString()); } table = db.getCollection(host.replaceAll("\\.", "_") + "_vuln"); BasicDBObject searchQuery = null; IScanIssue[] allVulns = null; boolean newFinding = false; // 10 - Obtain the list of new findings (using Burp's getScanIssues) if (website != null) { allVulns = callbacks.getScanIssues(website.toString()); for (IScanIssue allVuln : allVulns) { // 11 - Diff old and new findings // For now, let's use a simple heuristic: if there's at least a new finding (not previously reported), success! searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(); searchQuery.put("type", allVuln.getIssueType()); searchQuery.put("name", allVuln.getIssueName()); searchQuery.put("URL", allVuln.getUrl().toString()); System.out.println("[*] Looking for: " + searchQuery.toString()); cursor = table.find(searchQuery); if (cursor.size() == 0) { //There's at least one new finding System.out.println("[*] Got a new finding!"); newFinding = true; } } // 12 - In case of new findings, generate the report (using Burp's generateScanReport) if (newFinding) { // TODO } } else { throw new NullPointerException(); } System.out.println("[*] Ready to shutdown...Bye!"); callbacks.exitSuite(false); } }